Sunday, March 24, 2019

ICT: my source of scaffolding for the world of writing

Information and communication technology has been widely implemented and treasured by everyone in this world of knowledge-based society. It alters the way people sustain life and look at their life. I have always believed that our discernment grooms the positive and invincible work ethics, while it also darkens the one’s code and conducts for life. And in this twenty-first century generation in the field of knowledge and computer-based society, ICT plays a paramount and indispensable role to enroot the mentality or the cognition of an individual and the source of inspiration to blooms the life through the path of positivity. Similarly, like the way technology shapes the habit and conduct for life, ICT has become my source of scaffolding for the world of writing since 2018.

Laptop, facebook, particularly the page of writers association of Bhutan(WAB) are the assets that I cherish the most as it sparkles my life to be enshrined in the field of writing that I have always been dreaming to be. Writing a piece in Microsoft words,copying and pasting  and posting on the page (WAB) has indeed guided me through the comments, supports and the rays of hopes from the readers and writers. 

I scribble something on the Microsoft words and commence my imagination and travel in the free world of writing. Thus laptop, facebook and the page of writers association of Bhutan under the information and communication technology have become my source of scaffolding for the world of writing and to pursuit towards my dream.

At times, I introspect myself and could apprehend, had there been no ICT (Facebook, laptop), how I would have to enhance my passion for writing? How my writing would have reached out to hundredths and thousands of readers? Would I have scribble blue and black on a white sheet and left it as piled up in the file? Or would it be provided to a few people to read it and recommend for my enhancement? I realized I have become one of the dependents on ICT, life without ICT feels like it has to be the world of mundane and woeful.

Through the window of my own experiences, I came to assure that ICT does play a vital role in one’s life. The followers and the readers on the page get to read on various topics, the writers are being blessed to pursue their dreams through the immense support and the constructive comments by the passionate readers. Out of many topics that I have written so far, the one article that touched the heart of many readers is titled as ‘letter from crying mother cow’. Some stopped the consumption of meat through it. Can you see ICT do play an important part and means for the life?

-Attached pictures of my article 'letter from crying mother cow’ and some comments I received from  readers. 

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